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Coaching is a joint collaboration mainly in conversation to strengthen what is healthy so that situations you find stressful can be approached anew and resolved. The approach is always holistic. I have a large repertoire of working methods and focus on your needs. It is meant to be a momentary accompaniment, a support to see you walking independently on your path again.

My approach is based on the thought, that whatever happens is for us and never against us. We have the ability to completely change how we feel about things by starting to search within instead of waiting for the outside circumstances to make us happy. This is a radical shift of perspective.

By taking the power and strength back to yourself, where it belongs, you will find enormous creativity and resources within you.

I am interested in discovering your potential, and seeing you living your dreams.

Coaching sessions can also take place online via Teams, Zoom or Skype.

We are all walking each other home,


Duration: 1h

Price: 290 CHF per hour

6er Abo: 1650 CHF

Frist meeting free of charge

TCM Salvisberg Coaching
TCM Salvisberg Coaching
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